Our School » Bell Schedules & Drop Off/Pick Up

Bell Schedules & Drop Off/Pick Up

In the morning, all gates will open at 7:40am. All gates will be closed as soon as the bell rings.  All parents or guardians must exit through the small military gate or the gates by the front office immediately. There will be an exception for Monday Morning Assemblies and parents will exit the small Military gate when the assembly is over.
For after school pick-up, the gates open at 2:25pm and will be closed at 3pm on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. On Tuesdays, gates open at 1:25pm, and close at 2pm. 
STAR parents will pick up at the small Military gate.  Parents will not enter the gate.  There will be a STAR personnel on a rotating basis to release students to parents. Beyond the Bell (BTB) Pick-Up: Parents may pick up their children every hour at the following specific gates.  Parents will not enter gates but students will meet parents at the gates.
BTB Pick up on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays-
3pm pick up at small Military Gate
4pm pick up at small Military Gate
5pm pick up at Auditorium Gate
6pm pick up at Auditorium Gate
BTB Pick up on Tuesdays-
2pm pick up at small Military Gate
3pm pick up at small Military Gate
4pm pick up at small Military Gate
5pm pick up at Auditorium Gate
6pm Auditorium Gate
If possible, the best time for children to arrive is 5 to 10 minutes before the beginning of school. Pupils are tardy if not in their classroom line when the 8:10 a.m. bell rings. Morning Supervision is between 7:40 a.m. and 8:10 a.m. Please remember that supervision of students begins at 7:40 a.m.  It is not safe to drop off students prior to that time because there are no adults on duty for supervision. Children arriving late to school must enter the school through the main office.
Your child will NOT be released to an unidentified person. Only a parent or authorized adult listed on the emergency card may pick students up during school hours. The adult should first come to the office to sign a release slip. The teachers may not release a child to leave the school campus.  Students will not be called to the office until after the authorized adult has presented appropriate identification and the release form has been issued. All adults whom you authorize to pick up your child must be listed on the emergency card.
School Hours


Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

School Hours   8:10 AM  –  2:38 PM


Every Tuesday: Professional Development 

School Hours  8:10 AM – 1:38 PM


PALS (Every Day)

Class Hours   8:00 AM – 12:30 PM