Our School » Parking


Safety is our #1 Priority

It is important that all of our students arrive at school each morning safely and on time. Due to the severe traffic problems that occur before and after school at our campus, we are requesting your assistance with this potentially dangerous situation, and ask that you follow these traffic safety guidelines:

-NO PARKING AT ST. JOHN’S Presbyterian CHURCH PARKING LOT across the street.  It is private property.  Their parking lot is reserved for their use only and other cars will be towed away at owner’s expense.  Please respect this and do not park at St. John’s.  Thank you for your respectful cooperation.

-For 1st-5th grade parents dropping children off, use the SAFETY VALET on the school side of Clover Ave. between 7:45-8:10am or when the bell rings. The valet is a special drop off zone where parent volunteers assist students out of their cars. Parents drive into the coned-off car line, kids get out with the assistance from valet volunteers, and parents drive off. The valet begins on Monday, September 16. 

Procedures to use the valet are:

  • Approach the valet from Bentley or Tilden Ave. 
  • Please have students and their backpacks ready to exit the car before entering the drop-off line that is marked with orange cones. Drivers stay in the car at all times.
  • Pull up close to the curb so volunteers do not have to step off the curb.
  • Follow volunteer directions to pull forward as space is available, and come to a complete stop in front of the valet volunteer. 
  • Make eye contact with the valet volunteer indicating approval for them to open the passenger door for the student(s) to exit.
  • Valet volunteers open and close the car doors. 
  • Students must exit on the passenger side of the car only (curbside).
  • Drivers can then slowly exit the cone line and turn left or right on Military Ave
  • Be courteous to volunteers. 
- DO NOT PARK IN THE PASSENGER LOADING ONLY ZONE ON CLOVER AVE. where the valet will be set-up daily between 7:40-8:10am. This loading zone only will be enforced by LAUSD Police Safety Officers and parking citations will be issued to parked cars in this zone blocking the valet.

-There is NO PARKING or DROPPING OFF in the Clover Ave Staff Parking lot or driveway. This is for Staff Only.

-Never drop your child off in the street. Use the safety valet on Clover Ave.

-Please DO NOT double park to drop off or pick up your children.  Pull all the way to the curb and open the door on the curbside to allow your children to exit or enter your vehicle or use the safety valet on Clover Ave. 

-Try to arrive at Clover on the school side of the street. Do not allow your children or yourself to jaywalk across the street. Please use the marked crosswalks to cross the street.

-Do not park or stop in the "Buses Only" zone in front of Clover Ave. Look for the signs indicating "Buses Only".

-Please do not block the driveways of homes around Clover. Our school is in a residential neighborhood and we want to be good neighbors.

-Do not honk for your child at pick-up time.

Parking Tips

Leave home with enough time to choose a safe route and a safe drop off point for your child.

If you park and walk your child into school, leave home early to find parking. Pay close attention to the "No Parking" signs.

The street cleaning on some of the streets around Clover occurs on Monday and Tuesday mornings from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM, so be sure to check the street cleaning signs before you leave your car on those days.

You may park at Vons parking lot and walk your child to school or find other parking in side streets in the neighborhood. 

Clover Avenue:  The rest of the front of the school is designated as a loading zone from 6:00 AM to 9:00 AM and from 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM.  You may unload your children here but you may not park and leave your car. At the end of the day, you must have your children meet you at the curb if you choose the front of the school as your pick up point. The ticket for parking in this area is $30. You may park your car in the front of the school (excluding the bus zone) for 2 hours between 9:00 AM and 1:30 PM.

Military Avenue:  The small gate on Military Avenue is open every morning before school and after school. This is a good drop off point for students.  The west side of Military Avenue near the kindergarten yard is signed for 15 minute parking only. 

Queensland and Bentley Avenues:  There is unlimited parking on these two streets (subject to street cleaning, as mentioned above). We have a school gate on Queensland Avenue that is open before and after school. This is an excellent place to drop off and pick up your children because it is not congested.